Friday, June 3, 2022

From Russia with "Love?")

 The Ukraine Train to the Apocalypse

So since 2012, the Mayan End Version after 9/11 and the Wars in Iraq End of the World with Afghanistan thrown in for good measure with Taliban and ISIS. It has been a busy End of the World couple of decades already and here we are after Covid Plagues or should I say still during and Russia Putin Boi says he will now destroy the West (America First,, thank you Don T )  with his SATAN missiles. Oh My, Lions, Tigers and Bears. WTF It is Now June 3rd 2022

Sunday, August 27, 2017

May we?

And so Where do we go from here, now that we have arrived at this dystopian reality TV show, masquerading as something it is not, while humanity steams forward to oblivion? 
 If we are going to survive and make a better world, not this version that is consumer driven with dreams of money for the blood of the Earth.
  Why do we allow this without much fuss or determined Unified effort to make something better?  Where is humanity driving our collective bus?  Can we get off at this point and go in Another, Alternative Direction from which we are headed? 

 Unfortunately we are like a hydra with not just the different thinking heads: but also the hands and arms that are pulling and tugging in an endless game of Tug of War.  Only we are battling ourselves and not getting far ahead in the game.  

For Once in history,
 Mankind so desperately needs to put aside Nation, State, Religion, Class, Status and Consumer driven Ideologies and its Politics for a Federation of United Peoples of Earth.
 For Earth as One would give ourselves a Home where there is ample room and resources for All.
If we Kill Our Greed and Lust for Power and Dominion over Nature.
 It is time for Humanity to Grow up and remove the shackles that have bound us to Hate of the Other, Imagined Enemies who truly are our Brothers and Sisters on this journey of Life.  

May we gather together as One, so that the Future Shines brighter for All of Humankind. 
 Can we Stop our Anger long enough to let the Future shine brighter and together we can touch the Stars, which are our Beacons of the Future.
  May we gather together as One, so that we can share the bounty of Nature and abide well within Her bosom. 
 May we gather together as One, so that we may drink clean fresh waters of Life each day in gratitude for our Ancestors who have led us to this point in Time and to Move us to Greater things.
May we house the homeless, shelter and heal the sick.
May we honor our Elders that we may have a future.
May we give Love to the Orphan, and Free the Prisoners from Captivity and if need themselves.  
May we have no need to harm another because of Greed.
May we honor ourselves by allowing a New Future for All.
May we rise in the Morning with Good will towards our neighbors and those far away too.
May we give our time to help one another and feed the hungry and nourish those in need.
May we create a Future that Shines with the Best of Humanity.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I Left my Heart in Utopia

People used to dream of a better world, now it seems it is good if we just get something less than 1984 by Orwell and a little more "American" Brave New World.
People rarely speak the way that dreamers dreamed years ago of a world of freedom, imagination and technological wonders to free mankind to be able to do more Art, Love and Spiritual Enlightenment.  
Now we accept soundbite renditions of lofty ideas, memes on the internet that give us a happy feeling for a moment and then are lost in the ever pushing forward busy world of 9 to 5
We have lost the 'Hippy" thoughts of a communal world that takes care of each other for the Profit driven Corporation Job which gets you a fancy car and high mortgage rate in some cookie cutter suburb that smell so much of sameness and ennui .  
Dreams of Utopia were killed early in the 20th century and then beaten to death with dystopic Mad Max movies and bloody SAW mentality that the best we can ever do is kill each other.

I Miss the FLOWER POWER days of my youth
I still Believe in the Impossible.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Before our white brothers came to civilize us we had no jails. Therefore we had no criminals. You can’t have criminals without a jail. We had no locks or keys, and so we had no thieves. If a man was so poor that he had no horse, tipi or blanket, someone gave him these things. We were too uncivilized to set much value on personal belongings. We wanted to have things only in order to give them away. We had no money, and therefore a man’s worth couldn’t be measured by it. We had no written law, no attorney or politicians, therefore we couldn’t cheat. We were in a really bad way before the white man came, and I don’t know how we managed to get along without the basic things which, we are told, are absolutely necessary to make a civilized society.
-- Lakota Sage Lame Deer (from John Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions)

About 10 or so years ago, I planted the Sacred Pine in the middle of my Labyrinth.
I was remembering this yesterday as I walked it, musing on this week of "Apocalypse" and assorted mayhem that is to take place this week.

All is Right with the World and is as Should Be.
If you think the World needs changing, I beg to differ, Change Yourself, and the World will follow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lawn Chair View

The View is Wonderful!!
Is it the End of the World?
Grab a chair, lets watch the fireworks.
No matter what it is sure to be a good show.

The Art is By Adrian Ramos